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Stay on Track During the Holidays

This is from our new Registered Dietician: Keri-Ann Canton MS, RD

With the holiday season among us, it usually means more time spent eating and drinking with friends and family which can wreak havoc on your healthy eating plans. However, there are some easy steps you can take this holiday season to stay on track!

1. Enjoy the time spent with loved ones. Although the holiday season might look a little different this year, spending time with friends and family should be what matters most. Switch your focus from what's on the menu to who will be at the dinner table. When your focus is on enjoying good conversation and just being with others, you're likely to be less concerned with food and therefore less likely to overeat. 

2. Don't starve yourself in anticipation of dinner. Saving up as many calories as you can before a big meal might sound like a good idea, but in fact it's just setting you up for failure. Having this mentality, means you already plan on overeating. So instead, eat sensibly throughout the day and prepare to make healthy choices at dinner. Also, going into a meal starving minimizes the chances of making healthy food choices.

3. Minimize high calorie sugary drinks. If it's one thing I recommend to all my patients, its to avoid high sugary beverages that have no nutritional value. Choose water or any unsweetened beverage and keep alcoholic beverages to no more than one or two servings. 

4. Stay active. Exercise options may be limited due to social distancing regulations, but there are still plenty of options to get some movement in this season. However, DO NOT, use exercise as a punishmant for overeating. Move your body because it feels good and choose an activity that you enjoy. Remember, exercise should never feel like punishment. 

  • Enjoy the outdoors by going for a walk, run, or hike
  • Take advantage of YouTube: There are numerous cardio, strength training, low impact videos for free you can choose from
  • Find a nearby outdoor gym: Many gyms that have access to outdoor space have moved their classes/equipment outside

5. Get back on track. After a night of  indulging, get right back on track at your next meal. Throw the all-or-nothing mentality out the window and use your next eating opportunity to make a healthy choice. Resist the urge to detox or restrict, and instead have a nutrient dense, balanced meal using the healthy plate method: 1/2 of your plate veggies, 1/4 of your plate protein and 1/4 of your plate a healthy starch.

6. Eat just until your full.  Be present during your meal and pay attention to your body's fullness cues. Stop eating when your physically full and try not to eat to the point that you are overly stuffed. 

This year has been pretty stressful for all of us. Use this holiday season to enjoy being with the people you love!


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