Annie Stine, 39, a San Pedro resident, now walks into parties with her head held high, brimming with confidence. The mother of four had spent her entire lifetime struggling with her weight, especially after having children. Determined to transform her health and body, she decided it was time to make a change. Annie visited Dr. Joseph Naim and decided to have the lap band surgery. Since having the surgery, Annie has lost 100 pounds and now feels confident taking her kids to the pool and beach with a swimsuit on, something she felt she couldn’t do before. She can wear the clothes she loves, and says the energy she now has allows her to get up in the morning and enjoy more time with her kids and her new grandchild. Having the lap band procedure wasn’t an easy fix, Annie explains. Keeping the weight off requires dedication and developing new health-conscious habits that involve better nutrition, healthier meal preparation and regular exercise. To help keep the weight off, Annie walks at least 30 minutes every day, and an hour on the weekends. The changes have been a challenge, but Annie says it has been worth every step of the effort.