Advance Bariatric Center: Joseph Naim, MD, FACS

What Patients Should Know About Insurance Coverage and Bariatric Surgery

Apr 5, 2014 @ 09:45 AM — by Joseph Naim, M.D.
Tagged with: Bariatric Surgery Weight Loss Surgery

When it comes to improving your overall health and wellness, one of the best things that you can do is maintain a healthy weight. People who have a normal body mass index (BMI) and lead healthy lifestyles are less likely to suffer from strokes, heart disease, diabetes, and other serious health issues. Because of this, more and more people who are obese or morbidly obese are turning to bariatric surgery to improve their overall wellness. In fact, weight loss surgery is a fine option to consider if you would like to achieve a heathier BMI in a relatively fast amount of time.

Given the health benefits of bariatric surgery, many people wonder if the procedure is covered by their medical insurance. We'd like to take a few moments right now to consider these matters and what patients should know going into the surgery.

About Bariatric Surgery

Some basics about bariatric surgery first. Bariatric surgery refers to different procedures that help reduce calorie consumption, minimize the appetite, and/or reduce calorie absorption. The most popular procedures are the gastric sleeve, gastric banding, and the gastric bypass. The best option for you and your needs can be discussed in more detail during your visit.

Is weight loss surgery usually covered by medical insurance?

In many cases, bariatric surgery is covered by medical insurance, though there are certain requirements that will need to be met. The reason for the coverage in most cases is that gastric sleeve, gastric banding, and gastric bypass surgery are viable means for safe surgical weight loss, and can prevent serious health issues later in life.

Note All Requirements for Surgery By Your Insurance Company

Your insurance provider will have specific requirements for care that will need to be considered and these may even vary based on the kind of surgery that you will undergo. For instance, you may need to show proof that you have been obese or morbidly obese for some and have attempted to lose weight through non-surgical means but were unsuccessful.

Also note that the presence of an obesity-related health problems such as diabetes, hypertension, or sleep apnea may make you more likely to receive coverage for your surgery since there is a medical need for weight loss.

Policies Vary So Check with Your Insurance Provider

If you are interested in undergoing weight loss surgery, be sure to consult with your physician and to consult with your insurance provider for additional information. By checking with your doctor and insurance company prior to committing to surgery, you can get all the materials that you need in place so that you are more likely to receive coverage for your weight loss procedure.

How Our Team Can Help You

We know that weight loss surgery is a major lifestyle change and a major commitment for patients, which is why we will be more than happy to assist you in the entire process. This means guidance before surgery, attentive care during the surgical process, and support and advice in the post-surgical recovery period.

With regard to insurance coverage, we will help provide the documentation and/or information that your insurance provider needs from us. If insurance coverage is not an option for patients, we will be more than happy to discuss various financing options and payment plans that are available. Ultimately our goal is to be a resource to you so that you can make wise decisions about your health and wellness going forward.

Learn More About Bariatric Surgery

If you would like to learn more about all of your options for advanced weight loss surgery and how it can be of great benefit to you, be sure to contact our Orange County weight loss surgery centers today. The entire team looks forward to meeting you in person and helping you achieve a healthy BMI and better overall health in the process.