Advance Bariatric Center: Joseph Naim, MD, FACS

What to Expect As You Recover from Gastric Bypass Surgery

Feb 7, 2014 @ 10:12 AM — by Joseph Naim, M.D.
Tagged with: Gastric Bypass

Given all of the health problems associated with obesity and morbid obesity, more and more people are considering weight loss surgery. By undergoing surgical weight loss treatment, patients are able to lose excessive body mass safely and quickly. This means reduced chances of heart disease, high blood pressure, and other medical conditions.

After a person undergoes a gastric bypass surgery, there are many changes that they will experience as part of the recovery process. Let's take a moment right now to consider the recovery process in some brief detail. A full rundown of the post-operative process can be provided to you during your consultation.

Bariatric Surgery Is a Commitment and a Lifestyle Change

We should note that while bariatric surgery is great way to lose weight safely and quickly, it is a lifestyle change and needs to be taken very seriously. When you undergo gastric bypass surgery, your diet and activity level will be changed, so it's important that patients understand that this is a commitment toward wellness.

Discomfort and Soreness In the Early Stages

Given how drastic the weight loss surgery is, patients will notice soreness and discomfort in those early days and weeks after surgery. This is to be expected, and can be addressed through the use of recommended medications and good bed rest. That said, while rest is important, we do recommend that patients walk a little bit around their home as this light physical activity is an important part of the recovery process.

Adjusting Your Diet with the Coming Weeks

In the weeks after a gastric bypass surgery, patients will slowly work their way back to a solid diet. This is necessary since the digestive tract has been altered.

In the first few weeks, means an all-liquid diet. Gradually you will introduce blended soft foods into your diet, eventually incorporating solids. Follow your diet instructions to the letter, and be sure to eat and drink slowly, chewing fully and really savoring each meal.

Returning to Normal Physical Activity

Patients will be able to return to work after about two weeks of recovery. While patients will not be allowed to lift heavy objects for a week or so after surgery, this ability will return with time. Strenuous physical activity will be considered on a case-by-case basis, but it's best to be conservative with these matters.

Follow-Up Visits to Monitor Your Progress

After you undergo a bariatric surgery, there will be follow-up visits with your surgeon to monitor your healing progress. During these visits, you will be able to discuss various concerns and learn which activities you can return to.

Keep In Touch So We Can Help You

There are cases in which urgent care needs will arise or need to be addressed after you undergo bariatric surgery. Should you have any questions or concerns that need to be addressed as soon as possible, feel free to get in touch with us. We want to ensure that you are healing properly during all stages of recovery.

Learn More About Bariatric Surgery

If you would like more information about bariatric surgery and how our team can help you achieve all of your weight loss and wellness goals, be sure to contact our Orange County weight loss surgery centers today. The entire team here looks forward to meeting you in person and helping you make smart choices with regard to surgical weight loss solutions.