Advance Bariatric Center: Joseph Naim, MD, FACS

Diet after Gastric Bypass Surgery

Jan 20, 2014 @ 07:46 AM — by Joseph Naim, M.D.
Tagged with: Gastric Bypass Bariatric Surgery

During a private consultation with bariatric surgeon H. Joseph Naim at his practice in Los Angeles, gastric bypass diet is discussed in detail. A patient’s success after gastric bypass surgery is highly dependent upon carefully following all post-surgical instructions, especially the gastric bypass diet.

Do I Have to Follow the Gastric Bypass Diet?

The simple answer is yes. A person undergoes gastric bypass surgery to better his or her health by losing weight. Without following the gastric bypass diet, a patient will not lose a substantial amount of weight. One of the purposes of the gastric bypass diet is to prevent the stomach from stretching following surgery. Another purpose of the gastric bypass diet is to minimize the risk of a patient experiencing complications or side effects after surgery. The gastric bypass diet also helps to ensure that a patient does not gain weight, but loses weight after surgery.

The First Days after Gastric Bypass Surgery

Following the first couple of days after gastric bypass surgery, a patient will not be allowed to eat. The purpose of not eating for the first one to two days after surgery is to allow the stomach to begin to heal. After about two days following surgery, the patient will be started on a liquid diet. Liquids that may be consumed include sugar-free gelatin, broth, milk, and unsweetened juice. Patients are instructed to sip fluids very slowly. It is recommended that a patient only consume about two to three ounces of liquid at a time, and to refrain from consuming caffeinated or carbonated beverages.

Adding Pureed Foods

After it has been determined that the patient is able to tolerate a liquid diet, usually after a few days, pureed foods may be added. Food must be pureed or mashed into a thick liquid or smooth paste. The patient will consume a diet of pureed food for approximately two to four weeks. A patient should refrain from drinking and eating at the same time. Even water should not be consumed for at least 30 minutes after eating. It is important that a patient chooses healthy food options during this time. Fish, lean meats, eggs, yogurt, vegetables, and beans are healthy, nutritious options.

Adding Soft, Solid Foods

Typically after two to four weeks of eating pureed foods, a patient may add soft, solid foods to his or her diet. Foods that can be easily mashed with a fork are considered to be soft, solid foods. It is common for a patient to consume a diet of soft, solid food for two months.

Adding Solid Foods

Solid foods can be gradually added to a patient’s diet about eight weeks after surgery. Though a patient is able to consume solid food, there are some foods that should still be avoided at this stage of recovery. Celery, broccoli, popcorn, nuts, bread, and granola, among other foods may be cause gastrointestinal distress for patients after gastric bypass surgery. Adding a food back into the diet should be done slowly.

Contact Us

Gastric bypass surgery can help a patient lose a substantial amount of weight in a relatively short amount of time. Diet after gastric bypass surgery can help a person live a healthier, more active lifestyle. To learn more about gastric bypass surgery, please contact Dr. H. Joseph Naim today.