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abdominoplasty recoveryEveryone heals at a different rate, and the duration of your tummy tuck recovery will vary according to the extent of your surgery and several other factors. Sedentary work can be resumed after one or two weeks, and incisions often heal within about two weeks. It can take up to a year for the final results to become apparent. Dr. H. Joseph Naim, serving Los Angeles, Orange County, and Long BeachCA, area, can help you understand what to expect following abdominoplasty.

Recovery Timeline

Although the precise timeline of each patient's recovery is unique, patients are often able to resume most normal activity after about six weeks:

Week One

Most abdominoplasty procedures are performed on an outpatient basis, meaning you will return home the day of surgery. The first week following surgery should be spent resting. To stimulate blood flow and prevent clots, you should take short, slow walks around the house. When resting, you should recline with your legs slightly elevated. This position can reduce the risk of complications and promote healing. Dr. Naim may place drains under your skin, which you will need to clean and change as directed. These drains are usually removed after a few days.

Weeks Two and Three

If you have a sedentary job, you may be able to go back to work after about a week to 10 days. However, any strenuous activity will probably be off-limits for six to eight weeks following surgery. 

Weeks Four to Eight

Dr. Naim will determine when it is safe to resume all normal activity. Often, patients can resume their normal exercise routines after about two months. By this time, the majority of swelling has usually subsided.

The First Year

As with many cosmetic surgical procedures, it may take up to a year for swelling to fully subside and for scars to fade.

Any strenuous activity will probably be off-limits for six to eight weeks following surgery. 

Self-Care throughout Recovery

Dr. Naim will provide you with instructions for self-care during recovery according to your needs. In general, patients are advised to:

  • Wear a compression bandage. This can prevent discomfort and also help your skin conform to the refined contours of your stomach.
  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Eat a healthy diet, full of vitamin-rich produce, dairy, and lean meat. Avoid large amounts of salt for a few weeks. If you are undergoing a tummy tuck after bariatric surgery, you should continue to follow the dietary guidelines you have been provided.
  • Do not smoke, since nicotine can inhibit blood flow and healing.
  • Keep all follow-up appointments with Dr. Naim so that he can identify any potential complications in the earliest stages, when they are most treatable.

Contact Us to Learn More

Abdominoplasty can provide many benefits, and patient education plays a key role in the success of the procedure. If you are considering abdominoplasty, Dr. Naim can help determine if the procedure is right for you and help you understand what to expect at every stage of treatment. To schedule your consultation, please send us a message online or call (310) 684-4070 today. We have four offices at convenient locations throughout the Los Angeles area, and Orange County.


We have 4 locations in the greater Los Angeles area.

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"Dr. Naim and his entire staff are nothing short of amazing. So caring and attentive in every way, they truly made my experience effortless and positive in more ways than one."


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